The Hamrick Bump

I know I stated that Fridays would be “One Frame Fridays” and they will, as long as I don’t have an awesome post to share with you guys!
I am loving Ashley and Steven’s maternity session that we did a few weeks ago! Apparently, Steven is not the coziest with the camera, but to be completely honest, I didn’t know that until after I saw a post on Ashley’s wall! One of her friends or family members couldn’t believe that Steven actually did a maternity session! 🙂 That just shows you how super sweet they are! He probably knew that it would mean sooo much to Ashley…and perhaps to their little boy one day! (I bet he didn’t imagine he would be the center of this post either!)
On with the pictures! We headed out to Campbell Station Park and it was just as beautiful as it was when I had a session there last time! Plus, Ashley looked absolutely incredible for being 34ish weeks! Ugh…some women! 🙂
My favorite two pictures from the shoot!
I can not wait for Little Mr. Lucas to get here!!!
The Hamrick Bump