shayna & cody {the day} part 2! In case you haven’t taken a seen Part 1, you can check that out here!
I loved this wedding for so many reasons! Not only are Shayna and Cody the sweetest and just plain fun, but their wedding was SO laid back! Shayna wanted to only concentrate on her and Cody pre-ceremony! Having the bridal party and pictures right after the ceremony let us have PLENTY of time for the first look and bride and groom portraits. I almost want to suggest this to all of my couples! 🙂

And all the kiddos at the wedding were so cute!!! And Mr. Turtle…was totally the additional guest that didn’t RSVP but just showed up! 

They’re married!!!!! 
These next two images are two of my FAVORITE!!! There’s something magical about black and white…it makes me crazy happy! 

These may be the most emotional parent dance photos I’ve taken in a while! I just sat there crying behind my camera with everyone else!

Loved my second shooter Liz with Elizabeth Nord Photography!!! She was so amazing and a few of these images are her eye! 😀

They’re awesome impromptu sunflower seed exit!! Seriously, how cute are they!?
Shayna and Cody!!! You know how much I just love you two and your wedding day!!! It was the perfect brunch wedding and everything you wanted!!! So happy you asked me to share it with you and your amazing friends and family! 
Kayla F

shayna & cody {the day} part 2

shayna & cody {the day} part 1

Yes, you read that correctly! This is PART 1 of Shayna & Cody’s amazing wedding day! I was getting hand cramps from choosing all of the photos for their post that I decided why not break this loveliness up into two parts?!? And since I’m my own boss…I said sure! 😀
I am beyond excited to bring you this uber detailed wedding. Not only were Shayna & Cody so amazing on their wedding day…but they are the darn tootinest cutest couple!!! Shayna may be half as tall as Cody, but seriously, they were so meant for each other! Shayna might have squeeled as much on her wedding day as I did on mine…and that ladies and gentlemen is a lot!
Shayna is a photographer as well and we met while she was interning for Jennie Andrews Photography. We hit it off fantastically, but when she asked me to be her wedding day photographer I was shocked!!! Me?? Ahhhh! Ok! I remember when she said to me during our first consult, “As long as you continue to do what you are doing, we will be happy!” and I think I might have shed a tear.
So, enough talky talk…I want to share some super adorableness with you!
Shayna and her girls got ready at Cody’s mom’s salon EmaLisa’s Salon.
 I adored Shayna’s tea length, polka dot dress!!! It was PERFECT for her!
Love me some Ijams Nature Center!!
LOVED the bridesmaid dresses from American Eagle! Are those not adorable!?!?!
Yes, this happened. I full on piggy back carried Shayna to the first look. 🙂 All in a days work ladies and gentlemen!
 Shayna and Cody’s first look was perfect! Remember how I said Shayna squeeled??? Well, she squeeled and jumped up and down when she saw Cody! Absolutely priceless!!!
 I love the picture my second shooter, Liz with Elizabeth Nord Photography got of Shayna!!! Adorable to boot!!!
 Loved having Liz with me at this wedding! While I was grabbing this B&W image above, she grabbed this beautiful image below!!! 
 The flowers by The Katelier were just so precious!!! They fit Shayna and Cody’s personalities with how bright they were! 
 And get ready for a detail overload!!! I have to admit, when I met with Shayna and Cody about 2 weeks before the wedding, I was a little bit nervous. Shayna may have had that prewedding fog that all brides get (I know I did). But man oh man, was that totally unfounded! Shayna and Cody and their families put SO much detail into the day that I honestly don’t think they missed a thing!!
 LOVE their fans and I know their guests did too!! And those little apothecary bottles are the perfect little favors!
 These sunflower seed went from being a favor to being the couples exit at the end!!! Love impromptu exits!! 😀
 Shayna and Cody had a morning wedding followed by brunch! Loved that they went outside of the norm!!! Abner’s Attic and Cruze Dairy Farm provided the yummiest food and drinks for the brunch wedding!
 Be sure to be back later this week for Part 2 of Shayna and Cody’s beautiful brunch wedding!!! I can’t wait to show you the beautiful ceremony, fun bridal party pictures and the incredibly sweet dances!!! 
Kayla F
shayna & cody {the day} part 1

the question | kendra and greg

You know when you meet two people and you think, “YES…they’ve got it right!” Well, thats exactly how I felt when I met Kendra and Greg. These two…man oh man, they’ve got it. They are over the moon in love with each other, they are sincere, and they are just so genuine. Not to mention, they are super fun!!! Kendra is actually old college roommates with one of my FAV brides Katie (see Katie and Henry’s wedding here) so I was thrilled when Kendra said she loved Katie’s pictures and they wanted to book me! :insert BIG smile here:
Kendra and Greg actually live out near Murfreesboro, but decided to come into town and head out to Ijams Nature Center for their engagement pictures and I am thrilled they did! I’ve shot at Ijams before, but this time I wanted to find new and awesome places! I think I succeeded! I loved shooting there…LOVED it! 
Kendra and Greg actually met while working at Carmax and had to keep their relationship on the quiet for a bit…so they wanted to have some fun shots of them in their uniforms for the pictures. I thought this was adorable!!! 
 Kendra had the CUTEST style!!!! Loved her spring dress, cardigan and her awesome necklace!
Omgsh…do you see what I mean about being so sincere! They were the cutest and cuddliest couple EVER!!!!!
Something happened when Kendra and Greg changed clothes. It was like the first part of the session was practice for all this magic that started to happen. I sound so silly, but things just started to click! This is definitely one of the number one reasons why I HIGHLY suggest an engagement session. I figured out how they work best together and they were so comfortable with me. 😀
 Yes…Yes…this is a tent. I died. Well, not really, but I did lay on the ground and just die over the pictures. It was amazing! I could have put 30 images of just the tent in here, but thought I would use some form of self control! 😉
Kendra and Greg, you two know how obsessed I am with you! Can you imagine how crazy I’m going to be at your wedding?!?! Squee!!!! I can’t wait! 😀
Kayla F

the question | kendra and greg

Amber and Jamie – The Clan

I had the absolute PLEASURE of photographing a old friend, her husband and her adorable pooch earlier this summer at Ijams Nature Center! I can remember the first time I ever met Amber. It was the summer before 4th grade and we had just moved into a new house. A whole gang of kids showed up at our front door and asked us to go ride bikes. 🙂 (Do kids even do things like this now-a-days?) I thought I would be cool and ride my bike up our driveway….and thought I was going to die at the end. Only those who know my parents driveway would get a chuckle out of that. Amber was the cool kid. The leader of the pack. And I wanted SO bad for her to think I was awesome…well, many many MANY years later, I was tickled pink when Amber contacted ME to capture her incredibly awesome family! 🙂 Does that make me cool? I think SO! 
Amber and Jamie are the absolute cutest! Not only are they adorable (and so incredibly into each other) but their little puppers, Roxy is pretty stinking awesome as well. She really did steal the scene! 
Amber wore the BEST shirt ever! Not only is it orange and white (LOVE) but its so bright and vibrant. Perfect for pictures! 

See what I mean…she’s adorable!

I had such a blast with you three that (incredibly hot) summer evening!!! Lol! You all are so awesome!!! 
Amber and Jamie – The Clan