Lucas is One

You may remember these amazing blue eyes and this adorable smile from Lucas’ 6 month session back in June and I was SO excited to see him again in November for his one year pictures! One year olds are probably my favorite! I love seeing kiddos try to walk and be so silly with their parents! They are getting their personalities and laugh WAY more than they cry (if they even do cry)! 
I absolutely love anytime I get to see this family! Ashley does such a great job with ideas and outfits! They are just too cute!!!
 This photo on the left kills me! Lucas kept doing this insanely adorable face during the entire session and Ashley said it was a new thing he had been doing. I called it his monkey face! 😀
LOVE the photo on the right!
This was so incredibly funny! Stephen was lifting Lucas up by his legs straight up into the air! Lucas was having a ball! Totally reminds me of the Lion King! Lol!!
This should be a canvas! 😀
So this next series had me absolutely rolling while I was editing! I just remembered how hard Lucas was laughing at his momma! Ashley was acting like she was going to get him and tickle him (notice her in the bottom corner) and Stephen was trying to get Lucas to walk to her and Lucas was just cracking up!!! I love editing when I get to remember the session and laugh just as hard as I did when I was there! 
Love this adorable little man and his awesome family!!!!
Kayla F
Lucas is One

Lovey Dovey Jamie and Brian

Love this silly, funny, and super lovey couple!!! You might remember Jamie and Brian from their family session I did earlier this year! Well, Jamie called me up for the fall mini sessions and said she would LOVE some pictures of just her and Brian…what couple wouldn’t????
And  not only did I just get to see Jamie and Brian, but they also bought along their adorable, wrinkle-filled bulldog Celo! Eeek! LOVE him! 
I also want to send a shout out to this amazing couple! They are celebrating their 14 year anniversary today!! Congratulations you two! 😀


 Stunning Jamie!

Kayla F
Lovey Dovey Jamie and Brian

Carson and his pup Rider

Making their debut on the blog are my BESTIE’S two little boys! Bekah and Bobby not only love their little puppers, Rider, just as much as Robby and I love Diesel (we aren’t the only crazy dog people out there), but they love their little guy Carson about 1000x more! Carson is the sweetest, blondest, little blue eyed boy EVER! He was just a ball of energy and I was so happy to finally get him in front of my camera! Bekah started this session off by telling me it was supposed to be a surprise for her husband Bobby (so no sneak peak) and then after I posted the mini session sneaks on the evening of the session, I got a text from Bekah saying “I can’t keep a secret. I already told Bobby! I am too excited about them!” LOL!!! LOVE IT!
I was SO excited to edit these and having my fingers crossed that I got some good ones of Carson. I’ve never had such an energetic little guy, so I was on my toes the whole time! Lol!
Love these pictures and I hope Bekah, Bobby, Carson and of course Rider do too! 😀

 Awesome family!!!!

 Love that Carson is Rider’s “Little Bro”
 This is one of my favorite images of Carson. I think it just captures the silly wonders of being a 2 year old…<3

Carson and his pup Rider


It has taken me WAY too long to do this session! But with fall coming and going, things have been crazy and blogging has had (sadly) to take a back burner. But no longer! Yay!! 
Meet Haley and her beautiful momma Melissa! I have known Haley since she was born…she just so happens to be my bestest beyond bestest friend’s adorable niece! I have always called Haley “Mogley” because she reminds me so much of the character from The Jungle Book, weird, I know! 🙂 But I love her immensely! When Melissa told me that she had wanted to have some pictures done of Haley (and maybe a couple with her) I was so excited!!! Haley has such an awesome personality that I knew it would be nothing but loads of fun! Well, little miss thing thought she would put on her shy face to start. Well, that ended quickly once we found this awesome baby weeping willow and I had her “find” me! 🙂 So much fun!!!
Haley told me that she wanted to take pictures with her mom! So I was totally game! Ummm, they literally are identical…even their personalities. It makes me giggle just to think about it! I had Melissa surprise Haley with a tickle session…definitely one of my best ideas!
Off we went to explore the park! This was actually my second session for the DAY at Campbell Station Park! I just love that place! 
Gosh….don’t you just love little girl freckles and soft eyelashes and baby hairs?!? So stinking cute!
See what I mean about them looking so much alike?!?
We had so much fun at the weeping willow that Haley wanted to go back! I have to say that these next few pictures are some of my favorite EVER!! 
Haley, my little Mogley, I love you and your momma so much!!! I hope we can get together SOON and go frolic somewhere else! 🙂 Maybe your awesome aunt can tag along too?!?
Check back later this week for Baby Jack!!! He’s a scene stealer…I’m telling you!

The Hamrick Bump

I know I stated that Fridays would be “One Frame Fridays” and they will, as long as I don’t have an awesome post to share with you guys!
I am loving Ashley and Steven’s maternity session that we did a few weeks ago! Apparently, Steven is not the coziest with the camera, but to be completely honest, I didn’t know that until after I saw a post on Ashley’s wall! One of her friends or family members couldn’t believe that Steven actually did a maternity session! 🙂 That just shows you how super sweet they are! He probably knew that it would mean sooo much to Ashley…and perhaps to their little boy one day! (I bet he didn’t imagine he would be the center of this post either!)
On with the pictures! We headed out to Campbell Station Park and it was just as beautiful as it was when I had a session there last time! Plus, Ashley looked absolutely incredible for being 34ish weeks! Ugh…some women! 🙂
My favorite two pictures from the shoot!
I can not wait for Little Mr. Lucas to get here!!!
The Hamrick Bump

Sebby Madness!!

So, I have to let it be said; I have a fantastic job…well, part time job! I seriously love taking pictures. I could get all warm and fuzzy and call it capturing moments, but lets just leave it simple. I love it! When Lei emailed me and said she wanted me to take Easter pics of Sebby, I was so excited! I mean it had been months (well, really only 3) since I had seen the little guy so I needed my Sebby fix! We were brainstorming on locations when we decided to go to Campbell Station Park; let me just say…this is one of my favorite parks now! It was super quiet (on a beautiful Easter Sunday) and the shade was amazing!!! (Yes, I just said the shade was amazing). I would highly recommend this park for anyone who is thinking about doing a session and doesn’t want to have their pics taken in front of a boocoo amount of people. Anyway, on to this precious face that I love so much!
Yes, I know…I am so lucky!!
I must have said “He is so cute” or “He is so pretty” well over a hundred times! I just can’t help it…he is!!!!! And he’s sooo much fun! He loves the camera. It may be the fact that I’m behind it 🙂 or it may be the fact that its a huge black object that continuously makes noise. Either way, I am happy he likes it!
Love his parents! They seriously are the best! I think he likes them too!
We ended on some sweet family pics! An hour tops and this is how we finish? With a giggling baby…yes, this is the best job ever!
Sebby Madness!!